Steppin’ Out No.1
Christina and I (as Random Found Objects) did our usual booth at Steppin’ Out this year, but instead of just selling our prints we made this year more interactive by offering “$2.00 Instant Artistic Portraits”. It was loads of fun, and over the two-day festival we took around 300 different individual/group portraits. I’ll be posting some of my favorites over the next few days.
Crazy Self-Portrait
I did this in the Fall on a whim, and I’m not sure exactly what inspired that face, but I assure you I’m not crazy.
This one’s from the way-back archives (2006), an impromptu publicity shot (in bizarre utility space in the back of the record store I used to work in) for the band Ahleuchtistas.
Joy Huffman
A portrait I did of Joy Huffman for Issue #21 of 16 Blocks Magazine. She’s was such a pleasure to work with, I could sit all day and listen to her stories.
Outdoor Strobe Fun
A few weeks ago Christina and I noticed the awesome evening sky and decided to play around with a one-light outdoor setup. She was actually enjoying herself, despite her uber-serious expression here…
MCLA Magazine
MCLA Magazine gave me a call in December to photograph the VT Men’s Lacrosse Seniors for a cover/feature story in their January 2010 issue. They also made a very cool time-lapse video of the making of the cover.
Making of the January 2010 Cover from Bobby Blevins on Vimeo.
Wild Earth Hoops
Christina and I recently did a shoot for Wild Earth Hoops. They needed some promo images and we were happy to oblige. This shoot was tons of fun, we definitely hope to work with them again.